Generate Never Ending LEADS on tap


Next Workshop Running 28th - 30th April 2022
6th - 8th October 2022
“Exclusively for Property Agents"
“The 3 day workshop to build your complete MARKETING plan for your agency and build a system to automatically send you leads every day into your inbox”.
 Generate Never Ending LEADS on tap
Learn how to create landlord and vendor leads for your sales and letting agency on demand...
...By using digital marketing (and make marketing simple) WITHOUT taking up your time as a business owner
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Agency Marketing Intensive
5 Expert speakers, 3 Days and 12 Lead Generation techniques for Letting Agents

Take CONTROL of your marketing forever by learning this essential marketing system and creating consistent, quality leads for your business every day. 

As a business owner, the marketing side of your business must evolve just like your legal paperwork and sales processes do, but as we get busy, it’s so easy to keep doing what we have always done...

Agents Need To Stop Doing The Following:

  • Relying on word of mouth and recommendations
  • ​Sending thousands of leaflets
  • ​Sending void letters to vacant rental properties on the market
  • ​And door knocking

The problem with these strategies, is that they are irregular, sporadic, time consuming and costly with diminishing results and returns. 

Also, marketing can become sporadic and last minute rather than regular and consistent, which


to build a sales team as they don’t know where the next lead is coming from.

The key is to build a consistent, systemised, routine driven and reliable process, then you can work on building a

sales conversion machine

which knows how many leads it will generate every day and how many statistically they will convert.

And it's easier than you think.

you're probably wondering how Funnels came about...

I built my first funnel in 2015 for my book "I’ve got this tenant" and we generated over 2000 new landlord leads in just 12 months… I was hooked!

Over the next few years, I trialed many different funnels, and used these to launch 3 completely new businesses, and in fact won 2 funnel builder awards, for 2 funnels that generated over £1million in revenue through them.

In 2018, I decided to build funnels for my letting agency branch (we do sales and lettings) and I started by launching in October 2018, four new marketing funnels for different client types, I made the mistake of switching them all on in the same month and drowned my branch with over 854 leads in the first month! We have leads from Vendors, Let-only Landlords, Fully Managed Landlords and Landlords wanting to sell their properties and Landlords wanting to buy properties… 

Since then, we have been perfecting the process, we have built over 15 funnels for agents, all to attract different types of clients, and all working to generate over 100 leads per month each (or more if you wish). We have built funnels for over 100 other agents, who have seen the same results… and are still creating more!

These agents have a sYSTEMISED PROCESS for:

  • Generating the amount of leads they want every month
  • ​They can choose the type of lead they want
  • ​They are building strong sales teams to convert those leads
  • ​They are in control of their business growth


Boydens Estate Agents (Essex)

Generated £4,500 worth of revenue in their first three weeks of their funnels and ads going live, to note, in those first three weeks they generated 126 leads at £1.62 a lead. Within 12 weeks, they had 9 instructions worth £15,500 

Cavendish Rentals (Chester)

The first webinar they did generated over £13,000 in new revenue, they had 290 registrants, with 113 attending live on the call. The second webinar they did attracted 103 landlords of which 26 booked follow up calls with Cavendish, and resulted in £9,500 in new revenue. 

Homemaker Properties (Coventry)

During their let only to fully managed conversion campaign and generated 626 leads at £2.02 cost per lead (CPL) and generated £34,500 in revenue!

M&P Property Management

Generated 644 leads which resulted in £30,000 worth of revenue within 3 months of launching their funnels and ads. This is roughly 14x return on their ad spend.

Richard James Lettings

Generated 394 leads which resulted in £16,000 worth of revenue within 2 months of launching. Taking into account their ad spend, this is roughly 20x return.

ali from concentric sales & lettings implemented funnels and this is what happened...

Converted Let Only to Fully Managed
From January 2023 to December 2023,
they converted 100 landlords from let only to fully managed.

Sales Instructions
From November 2023 to December 2023, they had 38 sales instructions from just one sales vendor funnel.

Webinar Funnel
Generated over £50,000 from one webinar funnel. Ali runs a webinar once every quarter, you can just imagine how much revenue is being generated throughout the year

There are multiple funnels for each purpose, thats what makes funnels so versatile and exciting! Want more landlord leads? A funnel exists. Want more sales instructions? A funnel exists. You'll learn all about them at the 3-day Agency Marketing Intensive. 

The 4 Key SECRETS You'll Learn On This Workshop:

  • How To Build A System Of Consistent Leads For Your Business
  • How To Select The Type Of Client You Want
  • How To Regulate/Set The Amount Of Leads You Want
  • ​How To Convert The Leads

It’s not your fault that your marketing isn’t working...

You just need to learn the new way of marketing… Just think about how you identify stuff, buy stuff or what you’re looking at every day, for most people it's social media, online content, google, videos, reels.

But social media alone isn’t enough, you have to go out there to find your clients and take them from there onto your funnel pages, where they will convert them into a lead (this is the bit you are missing).

So, you need to find a new way to market your business, and this is the one being used to companies all over the world (in fact nearly everyone) who is serious about marketing.

You can do it (even if your too busy or not techy).

We have had people who are not techy, build the drag and drop funnels in the room, and walk away with a fully completed funnel. At the end of the Agency Marketing Intensive Workshop, we will also show you how to find people part time to do the operational element of this marketing system for less than an NVQ (so you don’t have to do it yourself) (I don’t!) 

The market has changed.

People are online for 3 hours a day. It’s taken over daily TV time now, so to reach the biggest audience out there, you need to get your business online too. Websites are like online brochures and great to have, but over 95% of all our lead generation now comes from funnels and so does most of the marketing worlds lead gen too. 

Don’t wait – AI has 10x’d evolution of marketing.

If you haven’t dived into online marketing yet, don’t leave it too long, already with AI now, there is so much to catch up on and it’s going to get harder, so get in now, the longer you leave it, the more you have to catch up on, and your competitors will have already cleaned up in your area, this is a race…

So, What Is The Agency Marketing Intensive?

This event is run by myself and my team of marketing and lead generation experts that have built hundreds of funnels for agents all over the UK. The event is run at a luxury hotel in the West Midlands. 

The workshop is designed for


that want to build a lead generation system for their business, they will learn the options available, all about the best working funnels right now and the results they can expect, plus the client types they can reach. Also, we'll BUILD THE SYSTEM with you in the room, so you will walk away with the complete system.

Over the 3-day workshop, you will learn how to create the entire system so you will walk away with an entire funnel built, connect to your purpose-built and the ability to generate leads immediately and track the results (and nurture your newly built database of prospects).

My own team of techy media experts and I will coach you through the process of setting you up, getting it working and converting live in the room. You'll officially be a funnel builder by the end of the 3-day workshop!

This is a "hands on” event where you bring your laptops and my team, work with you, to make sure you are set up and ready by the time you leave the event.

You'll be ready to capture leads via your newly built funnel and start converting them into real business and revenue. 

The goal of the workshop is to:

  • Get you set up and working with a lead generation funnel
  • ​Get you set up on a CRM system for prospecting and nurturing leads
  • ​Teach you the process so you understand it
  • ​Teach you how to manage the process 

Check out what previous attendees have said about the Agency Marketing Intensive workshop...

"We Were Getting Nowhere"

Liam McCallum

Sillars Properties

"Gave Us The Tools"

David Kymantas

Ashford Reeves

"It's Been An Eye Opener"

Birju Panchmatia

Brockenhurst Estate Agents

"How To Plan & Make It Happen"

Dianna Warr

Sanderson Weatherall LLP

"We'll Have 5/6 Funnels Up and Running Next Week"

Andy Shaw

Hamlet Warrington

"Complete Clarity On Funnels"

Jesse Fossey Taylor

For The Landlords

You'll also get these awesome bonuses for FREE!

CRM and Lead nurturing database system (£2,500 VALUE)  

You will also be given and set up with during the event your own new CRM (lead management, prospect, and conversion database system) this will help you see the leads, separate them into groups and give you a system to manage your team and their conversions after the event.

Funnel Software

You will be set up and fully functioning with the software you need (built into the CRM), and everything connected to make your funnels live and ready to, connected to your URL and ready to promote. 

Manual to take away (£997 VALUE)

You will be given a complete manual of all you need to get you set up with funnels, ads, conversion, and email marketing – this is packed with how to guides, manuals, templates and much more.

Coaching Platform (£2,000 VALUE)

You will get access to the complete online coaching programme (Funnel Creation Programme for 12 months), that way you can coach your team, and suppliers that work with you after the workshop. 

The combined value of the 3-Day Agency Marketing Intensive + the BONUSES is £10,494...

But we're going to do one better...

Join us on the 3-day Agency Marketing Intensive + the bonuses for just:


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DISCLAIMER: I have the benefit of having 30+ years experience in the lettings and marketing industry and any results are not guaranteed. I am not guaranteeing any kind of results.
Contact us:
Call us: 01902 420762 
Property Agents Circle Ltd
Company Number: 07110051
VAT Registration: 998 8734 23
Company Registered Address: 7 Newton Court, Pendeford Business Park, Wolverhampton, WV9 5HB